O2 - Training Modules

  • This output was carried out under the coordination of Sakarya University and under the leadership of Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University. All other partners were equally responsible.

    The Training and Rehabilitation Modules are designed as an advanced curriculum and a comprehensive program. With these modules, which contain unique contents for homeless people, homeless families and professional staff working with homeless people, it is aimed to gain a general understanding of the homelessness problem and homeless people. In this direction, each partner conducted an in-depth literature search to reveal the previous applications. In line with the opinion formed in the meetings, a draft module pool was created and the module contents were finalized in line with the expertise of the partners. In the end, a total of 24 modules were developed, 17 for the homeless, 4 for family members with homeless individuals and 3 for the staff professional staff in this field. The module contents were enriched with written and visual materials and prepared in five different languages, including the languages of the project partners and English. The functionality of the developed training and rehabilitation modules has been tested and their final status has been integrated into the e-learning platform. The details of the materials produced within the scope of the Training and Rehabilitation Modules can be accessed from the following document.