O1 - Current Situation

  • This output was carried out under the coordination of Sakarya University and under the leadership of the Association for Understanding and Social Support of Disadvantaged Groups (DEGDER). All other partners were equally responsible.

    In order to reveal the current situation related to homelessness, each partner conducted research to meet the need in question, primarily the data and good practice examples in their country. During the research process, it was seen that there was a gap in the literature on homelessness; comprehensive and comparative studies were limited, and there were no works that could benefit the homeless, homeless families and professional staff working with the homeless. In this context, a quantitative field survey was conducted in Turkey, Austria, Italy and Hungary with a total of 100 homeless and 300 homeless family members in order to reveal the current situation in the countries, to produce the committed academic output and to plan the course of the project activities, and a comprehensive data was collected. The information obtained in the field research was related to issues such as socio-demographic characteristics, homelessness processes, risk factors related to homelessness, problems related to homelessness, support status during the homelessness process, benefiting from existing practices, perspective of the homeless, attitudes towards the homeless, perception of homelessness, homelessness and family relationship. The produced e-book was distributed in English and Turkish in open and free access format. A comprehensive summary of the current situation information is included in the following document.