O7 - Dissemination

  • This output was carried out under the coordination of Sakarya University and under the leadership of ARIHAN. All other partners were equally responsible.

    One of the most important issues mentioned in the project meetings was dissemination. In the process carried out from the beginning to the end of the project, a comprehensive dissemination plan has been prepared to introduce the project, distribute the produced outputs and increase the project impact. Within the scope of the dissemination plan, project promotions were made through written and visual media. As a result of the decisions taken in the project meetings, social media accounts have been created for the project and it has been decided to open the project website. The project website and domain were allocated to the project by Sakarya University indefinitely. Thus, after the project is completed, the project outputs can be used indefinitely by all users for many years and the sustainability of the project will continue for a long time. Developments regarding all project activities and progress, especially e-learning platform, were shared regularly through these channels. Again, All documents and information created during the project process were put will be EVERYONE open access. Wide-ranging multiplier events on the promotion of project outputs and results were held, brochures have been printed and distributed. 160 people from universities, public institutions and non-governmental organizations participated in the conferences and priority was given to people and institutions related to homelessness during the dissemination process. The activities carried out, especially project meetings, project activities and project conferences, were reflected in the media at local and national level and were published by many agencies. All outputs and reports of the project have been distributed digitally. It was published on the facebook, instagram and twitter addresses of the project and shared in the virtual environment and made available to the citizens using these channels. Detailed information about the project dissemination strategy can be accessed from the following document.