This output was carried out under the coordination and leadership of Sakarya University. All other partners were equally responsible.
An academic research was conducted by the academicians of the partner organizations regarding the gains, data and statistics obtained during the project, the legal legislation in the countries, the new teaching and rehabilitation methodology and innovative education/rehabilitation modules. Each partner has been assigned an academic to contribute to this output. First of all, planning was made to produce academic outputs. A large pool of questions has been created with the contributions and ideas of all partners in the face-to-face and online meetings of the project. Considering the homelessness literature, questions that may be suitable for the homeless in each country were determined and the process of translating the questions into the relevant languages was carried out meticulously and with a professional approach in order to prevent loss of meaning. As a result, two different questionnaires emerged to be applied to the homeless and their families separately. The homeless questionnaire consisted of 41 questions and the homeless families questionnaire consisted of 29 questions. As a result of the field research conducted by the project partners, a total of 100 homeless and 300 homeless family members (205 from Turkey and 195 from other partners) were reached in four different countries and the questionnaires were completed. Thus, the number committed in the project was reached. The analysis process of the data obtained and the literature review of the article were completed by Sakarya University. Considering the character and subject boundaries of the findings that can be included in the articles published in international journals with academic referees, a limited part of the findings obtained in the article could be included. Considering the importance of transferring important data not included in the article to the reader and evaluating the findings of homeless families in a broad framework, an e-book was published in Sakarya University international publications. The published book will be the source of many studies to be written about self and homelessness and will contribute to the dissemination of the project the quality became. The publication produced within the scope of this output is included in the following document.