An online meeting was held on SKYPE
on May 5, 2021 in order to avoid any disruption in the project progress, to
increase the interactions of the partners and to carry out the course more
healthily due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and
changing living conditions. The meeting, which was held under the moderation of
Professor Doctor Yusuf GENÇ was attended by representatives on behalf of all
At the beginning of the meeting, a
brief evaluation was made on the effects of the pandemic on the world and the
importance of being prepared for the project to be least affected by this
process was emphasized. In addition, it was emphasized that the homeless, who
are the target audience of the project, will be in a more challenging process
during the pandemic process and the importance of the efficiency to be achieved
in the project activities was mentioned.
In the continuation of the meeting,
agenda items such as the preparation of training modules, the preparation of
the academic article, the situation regarding the book study, and the
moderation of the website were emphasized. Considering the contributions and
opinions of the partners, the responsibilities to be fulfilled until the next
international face-to-face meeting were reminded.