The last international final
meeting of the 8-partner project carried out under the main coordination of
Sakarya University was held in Sakarya on 25-26 July 2022 with the
participation of all partners under the chairmanship of the Project Coordinator
Professor Dr. Yusuf GENÇ.
At the meeting, the practices and
various activities implemented within the scope of the project, which has been
in progress since 2019, were evaluated. Each institution representative
emphasized the importance of international cooperation in the fight against the
problem of homelessness by presenting the activities they are responsible for
in the project.
In the meeting, which started with
the opening speech and presentation of the project coordinator Professor Yusuf
GENÇ, statements were made about the activities and programs developed for the
homeless, homeless family members and professional members working with
homeless people, who are the three stakeholders of the fight against the
problem of homelessness. Within the scope of the project, 650 homeless people
from four countries were reached and field studies were carried out. In order
for the homeless to return to their homes, an
online e-learning platform containing 24 training modules created for these
three target groups was prepared and pilot tests were applied to measure the
functionality of the training modules.
Within the scope of the project,
conferences and workshops were held in the countries of 3 foreign partners in
Turkey. Partners from EU countries also made presentations on the project
progress. Human Profess, our Hungarian partner, emphasized social innovation
and rehabilitation in solving the problems of the homeless and gave information
about the brochure and book they prepared to convey the conditions and opportunities
of the four countries for the homeless to the homeless. Our Italian partner,
ARES, made an overall presentation of the pilot testing process and reports,
stressing the importance of professional service delivery and the suitability
of training modules for the target audience in the fight against homelessness.
Our Austrian partner mentioned the aid and education activities carried out for
the homeless in Austria within the scope of the project, pointing out that
homelessness in Europe continues to increase day by day and the importance of
the international breath brought to combat this social problem.
Sakarya Provincial Directorate of
Family and Social Services, which is one of the partner of the project in
Turkiye, personally conducted the process of providing trainings from 24
different modules and testing the modules to 78 homeless, homeless family
members and professionals working with homeless people in Sakarya within the
scope of the application of the tests. Our partner from Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal
University contributed to the healthy execution of the training modules
process. DEGDER and ARIHAN fulfilled their duties within the scope of the
As a result of the two-day meeting,
the importance of continuing international cooperation in the fight against
homelessness was emphasized and certificates were presented to the participants
with the hope that the project would be completed in a healthy way and that
this cooperation would continue after the project was over.