Within the scope of "Homecoming of People Living in the Street by Rehabilitation and
Mediation Project
(HOPE)" project carried out under the main
coordination of Sakarya University, the multiplier conference, which was
attended by approximately 150 people, especially public institutions and
organizations, NGO representatives, journalists and academicians working on
homelessness, was held in the conference hall of Sakarya Provincial Directorate
of Family and Social Services on May 18, 2022.
In the conference where the Project
Coordinator Professor Doctor Yusuf GENÇ made his opening speech, it was stated
that the general scope of the HOPE project, the activities carried out to date
and the findings obtained within the scope of the project will be presented to
the participants. In addition to sharing up-to-date data and practices on
homelessness, it was stated that it was aimed to create an important
stakeholder basis between institutions and organizations working with the
The meeting, which included presentations
such as the historical development of homelessness, the problems faced by the
homeless, the role of the family in the homelessness process, the disadvantaged
groups experiencing homelessness, the appearance of homelessness in the world
and Turkey, the importance of cooperation in the process of combating
homelessness, current practices in the fight against homelessness, risk factors
for homeless people, and the presentation of the findings of the field research
conducted for homeless people and homeless families within the scope of the
project, was followed with great interest.