The second online meeting of the "Homecoming
of People Living in the Street by Rehabilitation and Mediation Project
(HOPE)" was held on 27 May 2020 through the SKYPE program with the
participation of all partners. The agenda of the meeting consisted of the
training modules to be prepared for the homeless, homeless families and
professional staff working with the homeless within the scope of the project,
the structuring of the questionnaires to be used for the academic article to be
prepared and the establishment and execution of the project website.
Project Coordinator Associate
Professor Doctor Yusuf GENC gave an overview of the scope, content and
preparation process of the training modules and stated that the training
modules should be finalized in line with the opinions and suggestions of the
partners. Subsequently, the partners were asked to contribute to the questions
of the field research to be carried out for the academic article. In order to
accelerate and clarify the studies on both subjects, a consensus was reached
over a period of 1.5 months. In addition, the name of the domain of the project
website was determined and it was decided to put the website into service with
Sakarya University extension as soon as possible.